
On this page you will find workshop resources on LaTeX, CHILDES and N.Vivo software. These guides do not replace the information contained in the relevant software manuals. Please do not plagiarise this material.


Mannheim workshop

Here are the materials for the workshop on CHILDES from the Universität Mannheim:

Class handout
Class practical workbook. In order to use the practical workbook, you should also download the 5 files below:

  1. barb01.cha
  2. barb04.cha
  3. barb08.cha
  4. barb11.cha
  5. barb15.cha


Why I use LaTeX

When I was writing my PhD I got fed up with the limitations of Word and Endnote. Partly this was because I was using a not particularly powerful laptop and was writing a picture-heavy chapter but mainly I was tired of spending so much time fixing and re-fixing tabs on glosses, tables and general layout issues. On the advice of Doug Arnold, University of Essex, and his website Latex for Linguists, I decided to try latex. I haven’t looked back. .

Swansea University

Files for use in seminar:

  1. hello.tex
  2. world.tex
  3. universe.tex
  4. maths.tex
  5. golf.png
  6. example.bib

Handouts from LaTeX seminar in Oxford:


As part of the Teacher Code-switching project at University of Oxford, we carried out some stimulated recalls, which we subsequently analysed using N.Vivo. Together with Mairin Hennebry and Yuen-Yi Lo, we did some training with the MSc in Applied Linguistics and Second Language Acquisition students. You can find a copy of the handout here

Transcripts for seminar work
